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This Is Where We Live - Video Stories

Over the spring, summer, and fall of 2020 while COVID restrictions came and went, six people with lived experience of homelessness told their stories in their own words. 


Those words formed five-minute monologue scripts, and the original interviewees reviewed the text, and made changes where they wished. 


Over the fall of 2021 and winter of 2022 actors rehearsed and recorded those monologues to camera. These stories are what you see below.  


Actress Julie Goloski telling the story of Sandra Crawford. 
Sandra says that if you appreciated her story you can donate to the Hope Mission. 

Actor Trevor Duplessis recounting the story of Neil Kennedy. 

If you, like Neil, continue to look out for the homeless, he would like you to donate to the Bissell Centre. 

Boyd Whiskeyjack telling the story of James Desjarlais. 

If you felt touched by James' story you can donate to the CHEW Project

Chris Bullough sharing the story of Gary Nesterchuk. 

Gary would like people to donate to the Edmonton Food Bank. 

Actress Tatiana Duque tells the story of Maria Zonia Callejas.

Zonia says she would appreciate support for her GoFundMe campaign.

Darlene Auger presenting the story of pihpihciw, an inteviewee who wished to remain anonymous. 

Now with a place to live, she volunteers for a harm reduction outreach group, and asks that you consider supporting HARES. 

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