ECOHH shared a submission with City Councillors in response to items 6.1 & 6.2, Homelessness Audit, going before council today.
The Auditor’s report is alarming and ECOHH urges City Council to consider it deeply and to use it as an
opportunity to revise how the City addresses homelessness and to have the courage to move forward with a determination not to do a better job of applying bandages, but to be actively involved in healing. The benefits to everyone in Edmonton, not only to those struggling with homelessness, will be substantial.
Two days ago, people gathered across the street from City Hall to remember over 450 people who have died because of the persistence of homelessness in the city over the past three years. This is not a reality we can allow to continue. But too quick and conventional a response to the concerns of the Auditor’s report may result in missing the opportunity to move forward with a better approach.
ECOHH's submission can be viewed here.